Friday, December 28, 2012

Moment of Truth

I had a goal. It seemed small enough and doable. It was to MAINTAIN my weight over the 2012 Holiday season. That is, if you can call maintaining 40+ lb of being overweight maintaining....

Weigh in is tomorrow. I haven't tracked in over a week. I haven't worked out in just as long.

I'm scared.

If I go up - I will be the heaviest I've been since 2005 when I joined WW for the first time. I mean, aside from being pregnant. Those weight numbers are SCARY, but I blame the 2 infants, 2 placentas, and boxes of Oreos for those numbers.

If I go up - I'll be up 5 lbs+ from when I gave birth. I know at my 6-week post partum appointment I weighed less than I do now. SIGHHHHH.

So, we'll see how much I go up. I hope it's not a lot. According to my scale at home it could be as little as 1 lb and as much as 5lbs, depending on the day & what I'm wearing.

Can I weigh in at WW in my underwear? :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012


A few weeks ago at a meeting, the Weight Watchers leader asked us to write down the reasons why we wanted to lose weight. I posted my reasons on the fridge.

My reasons for losing weight are:

1. Look better - nicer clothes ... size 12!
2. Feel better - health & mental
3. More confident
4. Good role model for B&H -
5. Feel successful
6. Farther running - 10 mile in 2012
7. Avoid Family Health Problems - heart, diabetes, cholesterol
8. Feel comfortable taking/being in photos
9. Work in WW someday?

And one that I didn't write down: TO PROVE I CAN DO IT!

I did it once before, and I don't want that to be the fluke and being heavy to be the norm.

With that said, my goal for the next 2.5 weeks of 2012 is to keep my weight about the same. It's higher than I would like, but I do NOT want to end 2012 even higher. So, the same is the goal. We'll focus on losing in January.

Plus, if I maintain, I make my "Holiday Challenge" at the YMCA and win a free T-Shirt! It's the little things, right?

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