Monday, April 8, 2013

Weigh In Catch Up

I don't think I have posted an official weigh in for a while. It's different not having to GO TO Weight Watchers and have an "official" weigh in. I still try to just weigh just one time a week, but - sometimes I cheat and weigh every other day or so. And yes, I record the low weights. :)
Here's hoping my scale continues to cinch in!
 But, I'm happy that my weight last weigh in was 209.4. That's about 5.5 lbs lost since quitting Weight Watchers. And almost 13 lbs since Christmas. Hooray!!!!!

I really attribute the success to just being enamored with My Fitness Pal and tracking everything I eat. Even the bad things - like the day I ate DQ for lunch and Chinese buffet for supper! That was an eye-opener. I hit the gym the next day and drank about 2 gallons of water!

If I ever do forget to write a post about my weigh in again - I'm keeping track of weigh ins here

I've also signed up for a Diet Bet with my MOM friends.

It's sort of like an abbreviated version of Biggest Loser. We all had to weigh in to begin and we all have the same goal: lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks. I set up the Diet Bet and set it to private so we all feel comfortable with people we know in the Bet with us, and we had to pay $15 to join. At the end of the 4 weeks, EVERYONE who makes 4% goal gets to split the pot. We have 19 players, so our pot is $285. If we all make the goal, we all get most of our $15 back (minus a fee from Diet Bet). If 2 of us make goal, we split that, and so on. I feel pretty confident that I can make the goal. I have about 5 lbs to lose in the next 3 weeks. I can do that!

FMM: TV & Movies

It's Monday again! And after missing a few Friend Makin' Mondays (one from illness, one from sheer laziness), I'm jumping on the bandwagon again.

Remember, if you want to see the original post and more answers from other bloggers, go to the blog All the Weigh.

Here we go!

1. If you could be a recurring star on a show that is currently on TV, which show would you choose? I don't watch many current TV shows (aside from "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood") because we watch a lot of Netflix, but I guess I would like to be on "Downton Abbey." I mean, who wouldn't? Fancy clothes, elaborate meals, English countryside. Yes please!
A Minnesota gal would fit in here, right?

2. Name the movie that you are most embarrassed to admit that you love. There are many movies from my childhood that I still love to watch, like "Adventures in Babysitting" or "Home Alone." I love them both.

3. Name one show that you’ve never seen and would love to watch.  As I said above, we don't watch much new TV shows, but I would like to see some of the shows that are on cable that we don't get - like "Homeland" or "Girls" or all the shows that always win the awards that I've never seen. (I didn't watch "Sex and the City" until it was on DVD!)

4. Do you ever go to movies alone?  Nope. I never go to the movies in general. Maybe I should plan an afternoon out alone and see a flick.

5. If you could only watch one TV show for the next year, which show would you choose and why?  I love "Big Bang Theory." I would probably watch that.

6. If you could star in one reality show, which one would it be and why?  When I was a teenager, I dreamed of being on "The Real World." Since then, I have never wanted to be on TV. (Though when "American Idol" was auditioning in Minneapolis several years ago, I did joke that I should go audition so I could be on the BAD reel.

7. If someone rented a billboard for you, what would it say? "Thanks for all you do, Momma!" I can wish, right?

8. Who is the most famous person with whom you have been in the same room? Hmm, not that I remember. I do always say that I was in the same room as Springsteen when I saw him in concert. Though, 8,000 other people were there, too. :)

9. If you were chosen to be a contestant on a TV game show, which show would you want to be on?  I have always wanted to be on Jeopardy. And I think I *could* do great at it if the categories were my strengths. I would also want to be on Wheel of Fortune - and I KNOW I could be good at that show. Really. I bet I'd win, as long as I didn't hit bankrupt.

10. If there was a movie being made about you, which actor would you choose to play you? Tina Fey, though she's older than me, so I'm not sure how that would work.

OK, so I have plenty of new blog posts in the works. I have a lot on my plate right now (but hopefully not a lot of food!), so I'm about 1/2 done with about a dozen projects. UGH. Anyway, Please follow my blog to see when my new posts come up! My topics include running, losing weight after quitting Weight Watchers, new delicious food finds. a DietBet I'm participating in and more!

Friday, April 5, 2013

A few kind words go a long way

Twice in the past week, people have paid me compliments that have totally made my day.

In a rare warm(ish) day last week, I took the kids for a walk around the block. Our neighbors up the street were also out playing with their 3 year old Callie. Callie's dad, Chris, and I were talking and he made my day by saying I was looking great and that I'd lost some weight. It felt great to hear!

Then, later that week, I posted this photo of Hannie and me on Facebook:
Me & my Mini-Me

An old WW friend commented that I must be doing something right because I was looking great.

Both compliments made me feel good and have helped propel me into the next week - with the exception of Dairy Queen for lunch. Whoops!

I'm also continually working on accepting compliments. It's hard for me to do - sometimes I make a joke of it. Like, if someone said I was looking great, I'd probably joke and say something about how much I still had stuck on my body. But, I'm working on just saying "thank you" and feeling good. It's hard, but I'm working on it!
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