Friday, December 28, 2012

Moment of Truth

I had a goal. It seemed small enough and doable. It was to MAINTAIN my weight over the 2012 Holiday season. That is, if you can call maintaining 40+ lb of being overweight maintaining....

Weigh in is tomorrow. I haven't tracked in over a week. I haven't worked out in just as long.

I'm scared.

If I go up - I will be the heaviest I've been since 2005 when I joined WW for the first time. I mean, aside from being pregnant. Those weight numbers are SCARY, but I blame the 2 infants, 2 placentas, and boxes of Oreos for those numbers.

If I go up - I'll be up 5 lbs+ from when I gave birth. I know at my 6-week post partum appointment I weighed less than I do now. SIGHHHHH.

So, we'll see how much I go up. I hope it's not a lot. According to my scale at home it could be as little as 1 lb and as much as 5lbs, depending on the day & what I'm wearing.

Can I weigh in at WW in my underwear? :)

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