Sunday, November 18, 2012

My (at least 8th) First Weigh In

I've been neglecting writing this post because, frankly, I'm embarrassed. I can't believe I let my weight get out of control. Again. UGH.

I remember going to the doctor for my 6-week post partum appointment and seeing the scale come up to 216 pounds. I felt bad, but not terrible knowing I'd just delivered two babies.

Well, here we are, two years (minus 2.5 weeks) later, and my weight is this: (I'm SO ashamed to post this, even though no one is reading this blog yet):

Now, if you aren't versed at reading a WW weigh in label, the weight is 219.6. UGH!!! Why did I do this to myself?????

So, here goes: I'm jumping into WW full-on mode the week of Thanksgiving. Crazy, right? 

My short term goal is to weigh under 200 lbs by April 1st, 2013. That is about 1 lb per week lost. That I can do. 

To help me with this process, I downloaded an app for my phone called "My Weight." It's basically just another weight tracker, but it's more visual than the WW stickers (or even the WW app). It's scary - it shows you your BMI on the main screen. If that ain't motivator....

I think seeing "Obese Class 1" is enough motivator to kick my butt into gear!I don't want to see that anymore. Not ever.

You'll also see my target is 173.6. That is 1/2 lbs less than the highest allotted weight to be at goal for Weight Watchers. And a total of 46 lbs to lose. Overwhelming. But doable. I lost 65 lbs in 2 years on WW before. I am not running a sprint here. It if takes me 2 more years, so be it. I just can't stay where I am anymore.

And the title of this post? Yeah, this is about the 8th time I've restarted WW since having the babies. I'm one of THOSE people.

Here's to final Lucky Number 8.

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