Friday, February 1, 2013

Zumba, part 1

This week I was stricken with the stomach flu. UGH.

But it passed quickly enough for me to attend my first Zumba class. I'm mostly sure this was true:

It was fun, though - and I definitely intend to go back next Wednesday. Maybe I'll even find some rhythm by then. Haha.

Weigh in is tomorrow. I felt like I had a good week - despite being sick. Until I went and ate a big greasy cheeseburger for lunch today and then had pancakes for supper. Lord knows I don't need a belly full of grease & bread to weigh in tomorrow!

OH - but I also ran 4.5 miles on the track at the Y the other day. It felt SO GOOD. Mind you I was far from fast - in fact many people probably wouldn't even call it running. But I was moving, which is great. I just hope the overexertion of exercise doesn't weigh me down (or up, so to speak) tomorrow on the scale.

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