Tuesday, May 28, 2013

FMM: Summer & Slacking

Slacking! That's me. Slacking on blogging, slacking on housework, slacking on weight loss. I blame the cold, rainy, dreary weather! Where the heck is spring?!?!

So, back on track today (hopefully) brings me to the Friend Making Monday post from yesterday.

1.  What is your favorite summer fruit? Strawberries when they are warm, and always watermelon. Mmmm.

2.  Do you know how to swim? Yes, but not "properly" - I can certainly keep myself alive if I'm in deep water, but I'll never win an Olympic medal.

3.  Do you prefer sun or snow? SUN! Minnesota is my home, and if I didn't love it so much here, I'd hate it from Octoer-April (or, I guess this year, JUNE!)

4.  What temperature do you like most inside your home?  In the winter, we keep the temp at 66 or 67. In the summer, we keep it at 69 or 70. I wish we could keep it at 70 or 72 in the winter. I hate being cold.

5.  Is it humid where you live?  Sometimes, yes. July can have a few muggy days, but nothing like the south.

6. What is your favorite food to put on the grill?  Anything! But I really love burgers & brats!

7. Do you prefer to wear a one-piece  or two-piece swim suit? One-piece. I don't trust my kids to keep my top on when I'm swimming with them!

8.  What is your favorite summer drink?  Summer Shandy.

9.  Do you prefer the pool or the ocean?  I've only been to the ocean like 3 or 4 times. I loved it and would love to go back! So for now, the pool is good. Though, I do have a goal of swimming in a lake with my kids this summer.

10.  What are you looking forward to most over the summer? SUN! I also want to take a few short trips with my husband and kids, maybe heading up to Duluth for a long weekend. I am also planning to run at least four 5K or 10K races this summer. They are so fun!

Thanks for stopping by and reading!

1 comment:

  1. Mmm! Summer Shandy! Have you tried Canoe Paddler? I'm in love. :). Not much of a beer drinker since my pregnancies, but that is me new favorite for sure!

    Anyway, thank you so much for your comment about swimwear. I'm going to keep that in mind this summer and get past my own hang ups for the kiddos.



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