Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Take the good with the bad

Well, I had 1.75 good days of tracking my food. Monday - totally good, tracked it all (aside from one corner of cornbread that I ate and didn't write, but I had 4 points left over, so I figure it was about even for the day).

And today I tracked my Ikea lunch. And Panera supper (and resisted the frosted pumpkin cookie!). I was just 2 over for the day, even with eating out twice. UNTIL.

I went out with my friends after our Moms of Multiples meeting. And ate this:
Grilled Chicken Wonton Tacos
They seem pretty OK. Grilled chicken. Some greens on top. No sweat, right?

This might be hard to read, but the dang thing had 610 calories in it!!!!! UGHHHH.

According to my points tracker, this was not a light snack:

So, I'm moving on. Closing the book on today and looking at tomorrow. I must take the good with the bad. I can't dwell on one bad choice, but instead wake up tomorrow ready to do my best!

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