Monday, March 11, 2013

My First Friend Makin' Monday

I've been browsing around the internet today (rather than doing my Wii Zumba workout!) finding new blogs to follow and be inspired by. I somehow stumbled upon All the Weigh and found her Friend Making Monday questionnaire. I love a good questionnaire, so here goes!

Food Questions
1. What did you eat for dinner last night? This Taco Soup, some Fritos, half and apple, and a bit of cheese. I had Herbal Tea for "dessert." It came to 472 calories.
2. If you could make one food calorie-free for the next year, What would you choose? Cookies!
3. How often do you go to the grocery store? FRICK. I go about every other day. I can't get it together to be a once-a-week shopper. Plus, between the kids and myself, we're always running out of bread, milk, eggs - and especially bananas! Seriously! How many bananas can one family eat?!
4. Do you make a list before buying groceries? Yes, and I meal plan, but you know things jump into my cart all the time.
5. List three things that can always be found in your kitchen. Bananas (see above), yogurt, bread.
6. How often do you clean out your fridge? Once a week. Leftovers OUT.
7. Do you ever use a slow cooker? If so, will you share a recipe? I do at least once a week. The taco soup recipe I mentioned above is a slow cooker recipe and it turned out great!
8. How often do you try new recipes? Some weeks every meal; some weeks not at all. Depends on what is in the freezer and what I feel like eating. I have my favorite recipes, but am always looking for new yummy things!
9. What is the most delicious meal(s) you make? I make a good (but not as good as my mom's) lasagna. I rarely make it because it's so bad for you!
10. Share at least one thing that is currently in your kitchen even though you don’t like it.  Food? I don't like tomatoes, but my kids love them, so we always have grape or cherry tomatoes in the fridge. Other stuff? The 5-10 toys that always end up on or near the kitchen table. Drives me crazy to find choo choo trains and baby dolls all over! ;)

So, from what I can tell from All the Weigh blog, I am just to publish and encourage any readers I have (hello? Anyone out there...?) to also head to her blog to get the questions and keep it going.

So, there ya go!

To the people who are reading this from All the Weigh - this is a new blog for me and I'm just beginning to make it "public" (it was my private journal/blog for about 4 months). Welcome! I'd love some readers & support & advice and hope I can do the same for you someday. :)


  1. Hi Tracy. Thanks for joining FMM, and welcome to the world of public support and accountability. It's awesome to meet new people who are trying to accomplish new things, and I'm glad you're here! :)


  2. And I'm totally going to make taco soup from this recipe later this week! Thanks for linking it!


  3. Hiya! Stopping by from FMM. I also have a new blog, but it doesn't look as nice as yours! I definitely agree about making cookies have no calories, especially peanut butter chocolate chip! Lol! Have a great week!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! WHAT IS IT with kids leaving toys all over the kitchen? Makes me crazy.

  5. I think we're the only two people in the whole wide world that dislike cherry tomatoes! My boyfriend is always trying to get me to eat them, but I just can't do it. They just kind of go "pop" when you bite them and they're kind of watery/sour. Noooo thank you.

    Anyway, just stopping by belatedly for FMM. I answered Kenlie's questions, too!:


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