Friday, March 15, 2013

Trigger Moods & Foods

Oh, the joys of motherhood.

This week my kids came down with some "spring" illnesses (yeah, it's not spring here in Minnesota - the high next week is 22 degrees. SIGH.) that have been ridiculously difficult.

My daughter was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and prescribed a nebulizer. Poor gal.

Because of her illness, she's not been sleeping very well at night. Not at all. Last night she was up from 12:30-2:00 a.m. After that, I finally said enough and pulled out the hideaway bed and laid down with her. We both got a good 3.5 hours of sleep until she was up and at 'em right at 5:30 this morning.


Over-tiredness is one of my strongest Trigger Moods. I'm not sure if Trigger Mood is a phrase that is known or if I made it up, but to me, a Trigger Mood is something that makes you want to eat and eat and eat and not stop. For some it might be stress or worry or anger or happiness. For the past 2.5 years, my #1 Trigger Mood has been over-tiredness. Yes, this does coincide with how long I've been a mother.

Today I'm tired. Like, barely-keeping-my eyes open tired.

This Trigger Mood makes me crave my Trigger foods: CARBS.

Here's a look at my food diary so far today (from My Fitness Pal)

Breakfast: Carbs (muffin). Lunch: Carbs (a bagel -WHYYY? I would have been just as content with the vegetable soup!). Snack: 4 cookies.

And that leaves me with only 257 calories for supper. Guess what we're having???



If only I wasn't so tired, I'd go to the gym, but I either need to nap or clean. Or go tend to my gal who is crying her head off again. Guess she thinks napping is not on her agenda today.

How much you wanna bet I eat 4 more cookies today?

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